Since 2018, in alliance with a certified instructor, we have been giving certifications in Food Handling, which is valid throughout the United States for 3 years.
We have also helped more than 20 entrepreneurs to assemble their Food Trucks and more than a hundred to set up their catering businesses. We see the need to develop a program that contains more tools for people who want to develop in the food industry.
Baking Entrepreneurship Program is a unique program in the entire area, we are currently the only organization that offers this training. It consists of 12 pastry training classes, 12 business classes, Food Manager certification and allergy certification.
With these training, people are trained to work in this industry or have their own businesses.
With Emprende Baking you will learn:
El Poder de Ser Mujer , Inc. is a 501(c)3 U.S. nonprofit. We were founded in 2014 .